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Why I stopped posting on YouTube...

Something I’ve always preached is the power of consistency. Without it, I wouldn’t have seen nearly as much growth in my business as I have.

I would go as far as to say it’s the main reason I’m where I am today.

It’s my strong point.

But lately, I haven’t been walking the walk when it comes to YouTube.

As you can see, my upload schedule has been all over the place this year👇

Even though the last video I posted was around a month ago, I haven’t filmed one in over 3 months (except last week, but we will get to that 👀).

And the truth is, I’ve fallen a little out of love with YouTube…

I’ve always loved it for the strong community it’s built and how I’m able to give more in-depth information in my videos compared to somewhere like Instagram where the attention span is shorter.

But times have changed, and most people don’t really want in-depth information. They want something fun, light, and still informative.

This is why my ‘designing a brand’ videos always perform the best on my channel.

And I completely get it.

I’m not going to sit here and blame the ‘algorithm’ for the poor performance of my recent in-depth videos.

Adapt or die is the name of the game when it comes to longevity on social media.

And I intend to adapt. But this doesn’t mean I want to stop providing in-depth information.

I like diving into niche subjects because I know those videos are the most helpful for the people who need them.

So, here’s my plan and the point of today’s email:

As I return to YouTube, I’ll be focusing more on the design side of things, like documenting the journey of working with a client and showing logo and packaging tutorials.

Still ensuring every video is informative, but not going to deep with the information.

However, as mentioned, I don’t want to stop providing in-depth information because I know some people need it. And that’s why over the next 6 months, I’ll be creating a few mini courses that will dive deep into specific subjects.

🆘 But I need your help! 🆘

Below there is a poll, that asks one simple question… What course would you like me to create?

If there's a topic I haven't mentioned that you want me to create a course on, email me: and let me know!

Thanks for helping advance, and I'm looking forward to this next chapter!

Chat next week,

Abi 😊


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